Happy 50th Anniversary Mom & Dad!!!

I want to do a special post today in honor of my late parents. Today would have been their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married on a Sunday afternoon, and I thought it was just so cool that it happened to land on what would have been their 50th year of marriage. I miss them terribly and I just wish that today could have been a day that we would have all been together with them celebrating the love that brought them together. Instead I am left with the memories of the short time I had with them on this earth. I am sure they are together in heaven celebrating with a glorious dance today. So...because I had to celebrate them somehow, I decided to put together this photo of them today. I thought that today would be the perfect day to do this project. It has been a BEAUTIFUL day outside!!! I love it that the sun has been shining all day. I just know they have big beams of shining faces that are just reflected in the glow of today's sunshine. I love you mom and dad!! ...